
Sex tourism

Each year, 842 million tourists traveling abroad. Among them, 10% choose their travel destination on the offer "sexual", according to a report released June 2, 2007, on the occasion of World Day for responsible tourism. A growing number of tourists will therefore engage in a particular type of holiday: sex tourism, now considered the third illegal trade in order of importance in the world after drugs and weapons. A subject more than ever.

Difficult to address this issue without making simplistic generalizations. So what is sex tourism? Tourists who travel abroad to have sex with local? Yes, but mostly it's an easy trade between the tourist, often western, and people willing to sell their bodies for a t-shirt brand or a few dollars. So to be clear, this is the power to exercise sexual domination through money.

Some will say: so what? If consenting adults reach an agreement, where is the problem? Sex tourism becomes problematic when one considers that the so-called consenting adults are victims of real traffic in which they are not more important than inanimate object. Is that the skids are many, sometimes horrific consequences, often inhumane. This is what we will try to explain how this practice, scourge of the twenty-first century, is growing at an alarming rate in poor countries; how it leads to prostitution every year hundreds of thousands of human beings, including a significant proportion of children. Because sex tourism is a real sexual slavery whose victims are often exploited shamelessly, sometimes to death, and whose authors are misidentified and unmanageable. Finally, the fight against this heinous trade began to take shape and the laws are more fleshing out each day. A long and difficult struggle, but must allow to hope that this shameful form of tourism will one day, if not eliminated, at least strongly suppressed.

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